
Manage Exam Result - Genetics And Evolution- OneShot Biology
Rank Name Roll Mark Time Consume College
1 S. M. Farhan Rahman 9771133 23 out of 25 2024-06-06 20:52:51 sec Notre Dame College
2 Md. Rafeed-Ul-Islam Rafee 9771245 20 out of 25 2024-06-06 20:55:07 sec Sylhet Govt. College
3 Mehejabin Tasnim 9632549 18 out of 25 2024-06-06 20:14:05 sec Narail Govt Victoria College
4 MD. Dipu Hossain 3694001 16 out of 25 2024-06-06 20:42:12 sec Cumilla Victoria Government College